Inspirational Leadership
Leaders want to inspire people, and people want to be inspired. This post on inspirational leadership resulted from a conversation with sales manager, Tommy Habeeb.
Companies identify inspirational leadership as an important competency for leaders and managers. Questions about inspirational leadership are often included on standardized leadership assessments, including the Emotional and Social Competence Inventory. (A 360 survey available through Germane Coaching & Consulting.)
What is Inspirational Leadership?

Imagine, for the next few paragraphs, that human beings are trees. The inspirational leader is a Pied Piper of all things acorn. She leads them, individually and collectively, along the path to becoming trees. While following her, each acorn meets and overcomes personal challenges.This is how they realize their unique tree-hood in the Visionary Forest.
3 Inspirational Leadership Types
Which type of inspirational leader are you?
Type 1. See-er of Human Potential – You see the tree inside the acorn and enable the acorn to see it as well. This vision of the tree he might become is simultaneously familiar and aspirational to the young acorn.
Type 2. Brilliant Visionary – You paint the picture of a forest so compelling that the acorns will follow you anywhere to be part of it.
Type 3. Victorious Strategist – You’ve got a proven track record for developing the right strategies, helping acorns overcome challenges, and leading them to victory in the forest.
The See-er of Human Potential employs empathic seeing, for which there is no formula or training. (This is where a talented and psychologically savvy coach can be most helpful.) This leader reads people in ways that most others don’t. She sees inspiration being activated, when she taps a hidden talent, a hope, a dream of the possible tree. This leader coaxes that talent, then coaches and rewards the acorn for using it.
The Brilliant Visionary imagines a new forest. He puts the picture on display so all the acorns can see it too. Hoards of acorns follow this leader, because they aspire to be part of the Visionary Forest. This inspirational type requires brilliance, genius, innovation, creativity, courage, fortitude and boundless energy. Think Steve Jobs.
The Victorious Strategist develops winning strategies and overcomes tremendous challenges to achieve success. Her ability to do so inspires others to do the same, and that’s why they choose to follow her. These leaders are exceptional strategists. They see a path to victory, where others don’t, and they create the road map for everyone to get there. Think former President and military leader, David Dwight Eisenhower.
Which Inspirational Leadership Type Are You?
Be honest. This is not the time for self-deception.
Are you a strategy genius? Do you find a route to victory where others don’t? Do you have a winning record? Have you overcome challenges and led others to do the same?
Do you have a brilliant vision? Can you paint it so others will follow? Do you have the courage and fortitude to persevere when nay-sayers say? Do you learn, regain your balance, and plow forward after mis-takes cause you to fall and stumble?
Do you see untapped human potential? Can you learn to find, appreciate and behold the acorn? Will you collaborate with others to create the vision and develop the strategy, because these are not the areas in which you shine? Is it your greatest pleasure to see the acorn becoming the tree?
Most successful leaders I’ve worked with are hybrids. They are typically strong in one of the three inspirations. They succeed by honing that strength and building competence in the other two.
Do you want to discover and maximize your inspirational leadership type? Contact me, Dr. Anne Perschel, Leadership Psychologist. It’s one of the things I do best.