The Leadership Competence Confidence Factor
Much ado has been made of late about the gender based confidence gap. But we can turn to women leaders to learn about keeping leadership competence and confidence side by side.
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Much ado has been made of late about the gender based confidence gap. But we can turn to women leaders to learn about keeping leadership competence and confidence side by side.
Lessons from women leaders on maximizing the collective intelligence of teams to solve complex problems.
As a leader, there are times when it’s best for you to take a stand, to be certain, to explain and to defend your actions. There are times, however, when it’s best to be curious and explore. These leadership lessons from music director, Marin Alsop, show you when and how.
Recently, I got to play Oprah in a corporate version of her former show. The audience included women who aspire to the C-Suite, their mentors
High potential talent comes in all colors, sizes, ages, and in both genders. Some companies intentionally search diverse areas of the talent pool, but few, if any, explore the place where some of the greatest talent swims, because they don’t know where it is. Discover this secret place, here.
Once upon a time, there was a mid-size company run by men. It was called The Company. The entire executive team and all board directors at The Company was comprised of men. That seemed just fine, until… One day, for reasons still unknown, but about which I speculate later, the CEO invited a woman onto the board.
Your arrival at the C-suite will not happen by accident, coincidence or luck.
Paving your road to the C-suite
Nor will it result from being smart, accomplished and talented…alone. You have to pave your path, then move along down the road, purposefully and with a plan.
Over the years I’ve had many conversations with clients and non-clients who are, or will soon be, C-suite leaders. If you’d like to know how they get there, read on.
Emerging global conditions are a flashing neon sign that calls for a PARADIGM SHIFT. Women can and are critical to making this shift. But first we will need to move into power, but there is a careful and paradoxical dance required. Read about the shift and the dance…
This month we asked men we respect, men who are leaders and early adopters of NOWLeadership (although they may name it differently) to talk about why they believe integrating feminine and masculine is the way forward and why we need women to lead along with men. Every month I think our contributors have created the best-yet issue of NOW. This month it’s really true. Once again.
Read about and order some of my favorite books about women leaders and women in business.
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