The Leadership Competence Confidence Factor
Much ado has been made of late about the gender based confidence gap. But we can turn to women leaders to learn about keeping leadership competence and confidence side by side.
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Much ado has been made of late about the gender based confidence gap. But we can turn to women leaders to learn about keeping leadership competence and confidence side by side.
Lessons from women leaders on maximizing the collective intelligence of teams to solve complex problems.
You’ve read 10 tips, 5 steps, and 4 actions of successful leaders. But do you know how and where to find the best kept secret ingredient of great leadership?
Leaders want to understand and tap into what motivates people, and as a consultant and coach I provide answers to these questions.
Lately I’ve been wondering what motivates leaders to lead.
So I asked.
Here’s what they said.
Anxious? Scared? Where did all your courage go? Nowhere. Courage and self confidence are contextual. Learn how to transfuse courage from one context to another.
“Dress your way into self-confidence. If you can, hire an image consultant to help you find a great outfit that makes you feel your personal best.” This advice comes from an EVP who reveals that self confidence remains an issue even for professional women who break through glass ceilings.
If you wait to feel self confident before lifting that big weight for career success, you’ll be waiting forever. Build you self confidence muscle by lifting successively heavier weights, using this 4 step program.
Professional women and self confidence is a problem, according to professional women, but maybe it’s a problem of context. Follow these two tips to boost your confidence.
There are three inspirational leadership types – the brilliant visionary, the victorious strategy genius, and the see-er of human potential. Which type are you?
Truism “Deprived of meaningful work men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad.” Dostoyevsky. We make much ado about employee engagement, but it trickles down, or not, from leadership engagement. How engaged are you as a leader. Find out by answering six simple questions.
We help you master the “most difficult” things.