Germane Insights


Having It All or Not Having All: That is NOT the Question

I was not having it all, when Anne-Marie Slaughter's article Why Women Still Can't Have It All, caused an uproar. When I stopped having the travel part of IT ALL, I had time to write that the real question is how to change the gender based determination of which ITs men can have and which ones women can have, and offer two solutions.


I was not having it all, when Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic article, Why Women Still Can’t Have it All caused an uproar.


Having it A

Instead, like many of you, I was combining several ITs of the ALL  – travel, vacation, work, marriage and time with frolleagues (colleagues with friend benefits). To have these its, I took a break from writing, another IT of ALL.

When the travel ended, I had time to write about having it all.

  • It is the wrong question
  • No one is Having It All, but
  • We are stuck in culturally determined roles about which ITs of HAVNG IT ALL men and women can choose
  • The real question is, how do we change these culturally determined, gender based choices

I offer two solutions:

  • Question then shift the underlying assumptions and structures regarding:
  1. career
  2. parenting

The rest of this post, All of IT, appears in 3Plus International’s e-Gazine





Having It All or Not Having All: That is NOT the Question