In Search of NOWLeaders…NOW
Labor Day.
A time to brush off the lethargy brought on by the heat of summer.
A time to start new things, to expand and shift perspectives, to explore new places.
That’s what this post is about.
We are looking for leadership in places and by people we may not have considered before.
We call them NOWLeaders.
Who is We? You may ask…
Dale Lawrence, Gwyn Teatro and I, Anne Perschel, form the core team with Tanya Odom, Global Diversity expert at Future Work Institute; Eric Peterson, Strategic Human Resources Management, Diversity and Inclusion Manager; Marion Chapsal of France at Geronimo Consulting; and Joe Gerstandt, Diversity expert, as our advisory team.
Why? You may ask…
Well, we believe that the variety of lists representing the epitome of leadership, while impressive, is missing a whole population of talented leaders and leadership thinkers. We want to find them. We want to build a rich, diverse portfolio of them. And, we want to shine a spotlight on them.
Why shine a light on them? You may ask…
This 21st Century asks something different of us than what was called for in the Industrial age. The pace of change is dizzying. The world, through technology, gets smaller and smaller while at the same time more complex. We have messy problems to solve that don’t lend themselves to the same kind of thinking we’ve employed in the past. To be successful in any endeavor, we must find ways to cut through traditional bureaucracies and structures while optimizing our collective and diverse brainpower. The day of the singular leader-hero has passed. As such, there is a need to shift and expand our perspectives about who and what makes for effective leadership in this new age. These new leaders, NOWLeaders, work in accordance with a different set of paradigms from those that got us to and through the industrial age.
We must grow our capacity for great leadership and our understanding of what it takes to engage more brains and hearts in doing great work and accomplishing great things…together. We may even redefine the meaning of “accomplishing great things.” To do all this we need ALL the talent at the table.
In short, we need and seek NowLeaders.

What is a NOWLeader? You may ask…
NOWLeaders are highly accomplished global citizens. They achieve results through and alongside people, rather than from above, around, over or in spite of them.They gather multiple perspectives to deal with complex problems. At the same time, they are not afraid to make tough decisions and they do so with consideration about the effect on individuals and communities. They know and feel an obligation that extends well beyond corporate profits.
NOWLeaders are business leaders.They are thought leaders.They are military leaders. They lead non-profit organizations, educational institutions, small organizations and large ones.
NOWLeaders navigate the rapids of this past paced century. They lead change. They are diverse in thought, experience, culture, nationality and ethnicity. They are women. They are men. They are young…and old. They are everywhere.
And NOW we ask Will you help us find them?
Yes? Terrific. We hoped you would.
Here’s what you can do.
Begin by nominating someone who you believe exhibits the attributes of a NOWLeader and demonstrates the skills associated with the development of inclusive, collaborative organizations, someone who is highly accomplished yet prefers to share recognition and reward with others.
How do I nominate someone? You may ask…
Well, you go directly to, where you will find all the information and instruction you need to nominate your NOWLeader, including a list of the attributes NOWLeaders demonstrate. Please join us in being the change we, and you, seek to create…and thank you for doing so.