“She spends most of her time managing up.”
“He’s looking at his next move up the ladder.”
“He’s focused on his own career”
As a coach, I find these type of statements to be high on the list of troubling feedback about a client. In my mind, it means they aren’t leading at all. Instead, they are using a leadership role, title and privilege to serve their own interests. THAT is not leading, and everyone around them knows it. As a result people devote less effort and little commitment. Why should they give it their all, when “it” is about you?
Ask Yourself the Number One Leadership Question

This leads me to the most important and number one leadership question. Make a FULL STOP until you have an answer. If you get this one wrong, all your leadership efforts and talents are of no consequence. This number one leadership question is so important that you can, and should, ask it of yourself in various forms.
- On behalf of what am I leading?
- Why am I leading?
- To what ends am I using my role and my privilege as a leader?
- What is the “Why” of my leadership?
- What drives me?
- What larger purpose do I want to serve?
- What’s my leadership inspiration?
- What inspires me to lead?
Consider working with a coach to help you dig deep and self-reflect. (I’ve gone through this process with a coach. Amazing!! It also clears away all the “stuff” you don’t need to be doing.)
Now read these answers from leaders who win their followers’ respect and commitment.
“My top 3 motivators are people, people, people. I love seeing a team grow, perform and win.”
“I lead an environmental organization. I have a vision of how people can live in concert with nature, while using, but not abusing our natural resources. I probably won’t see that vision become a reality in my lifetime, but I will continue to fight for it.”
“My most inspiring leadership moments come from seeing people exceed their own expectations, doing things they never thought possible.That’s why I’ve adopted a coaching style of leadership.”
“I lead because I see possibilities beyond how we do things today and what we achieve as a result. I want to lead a team of people who share that vision and are excited about making a better mousetrap. Apollo 13 is one of my favorite leadership movies. It shows my beliefs in action.”
“I lead on behalf of values. I believe when we treat employees better, align with what matters to them, we achieve better results, while improving their lives and having a positive impact on humanity.”
Get Open and Honest Feedback
Now that you know your leadership purpose, communicate and act on it. Ask people for feedback. Be specific. Ask them to let you know when your actions are, and are not, aligned with your purpose. When they tell you, listen actively. That’s worth repeating. Listen actively. Ask questions. DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF. Don’t explain your intentions or what your were thinking. You can do that later. Simply receive the feedback. Why? If you don’t, the feedback will end and you’ll end like the emperor who had no clothes.
If you don’t know your leadership purpose, let me help you discover your “why”
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