Germane Insights


Pregnant CEO: Back to the Future

Marissa Mayer is the first pregnant CEO of a major company, that we know of. With this news, we have the opportunity to re-think the boundary between work and life, Drawing the line with dashes, to achieve greater permeability, will serve us better in a variety of ways. It will even light the spark of innovation more readily.

In an effort not to contribute to the focus on Marissa Mayer’s pregnancy, I have delayed writing about her recent appointment as Yahoo CEO. Note, the reference was not to Yahoo’s pregnant CEO.

Pregnant CEO

Redrawing the Work-life Lines

Many women with demanding jobs and careers have been pregnant, had babies, and returned to work. In fact, a former colleague once accepted a new job while in labor at the hospital. But Marissa Mayer has the honor of being the first pregnant CEO of a major company, that we know of. With this news, we have the opportunity to re-think the boundary between work and life, Drawing the line with dashes, for more permeability, will serve us better in a variety of ways. It will even light the spark of innovation more readily.

Pregnant CEO 100 Years From Now

To full post appears in 3Plus International, a company focused on advancing women in business. The article takes us to the year 2112 as one CEO looks back on the announcement of the first pregnant CEO.



Pregnant CEO: Back to the Future